Air Conditioning and Furnace Blog

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Air Conditioning and Furnace Blog

How to Keep Humidity in Your House in the Winter

Humidification of air in apartment during the winter

Have you noticed how the atmosphere in your house changes in the winter months? Maybe you find dry and itchy spots on your skin, or cracks in your wooden floors or furniture. You might even wake up with a sore throat or bloody nose in the morning.

All of these symptoms—both to your body and your stuff—are a result of dry indoor air. The cold air outside, with moisture locked in a frozen state, doesn’t help. Inside, your HVAC is toasting the air before it circulates, keeping it warm but overly dry.

Low humidity can even make air feel colder than it actually is, causing you to overcompensate with the thermostat and run up your heating bill.

Let’s look at some simple and some more involved methods for adding a little humidity back into your house this winter. Read More ›

How to Get Rid of Dust in Your Home’s Air

Sunbeams entering the window and highlighting the house dust. Dust and allergens in the home air.

Have you ever sat on your living room couch and watched dust motes dance in a beam of light? It’s a beautiful sight.

Until you think about all that dust settling on your knick-knacks, carpets and furniture… and even getting into your eyes, nose and lungs.

A small amount of dust in your home is inevitable, of course. As the saying goes, from dust we come and to dust we shall return (and in the meantime, we will have dust bunnies under our couches). But there are some easy steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home.

Here’s what you need to know about getting rid of dust in the air. Read More ›

A Quick Guide to Garage Dehumidification

Tool shelf against a table and wall, vintage garage style

A garage is one of your home’s truly multi-functional spaces. It can be a workshop, a laundry room, a home gym, a dance studio, a storage unit… or you could even do something bizarre like park a car in there.

However, as useful as garages can be, they’re not the most controlled environment in your home. Frequently garages aren’t connected to the main HVAC system, which means they’re subject to temperature fluctuations, stale air and excess humidity. 

If you smell that tell-tale, nostril-tickling odor of mold or mildew in your garage, it’s time to take decisive action.

Here’s a quick guide to garage dehumidification, including easy fixes and some more substantial long-term solutions. Read More ›

Three Ways to Add Air Conditioning to Older Homes

adding air conditioning for old houses


After servicing home heating and cooling systems for over a century, we’re well aware that air conditioning doesn’t come as a standard creature comfort for most old homes. 

In fact, of all homes built before 1940, only 50% have a central duct system. If your home has radiators for heat, or an old octopus furnace, overhauling your home for central air may seem impossible. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with ceiling fans and ice packs. 

There are affordable air conditioning options for older homes. To help you find a solution that’s right for your home—and your budget—here’s a breakdown of the three best ways to keep your vintage home cool and comfy.  Read More ›

How Not to Get Sick This Winter

A sick woman at working wondering how to not get sick again

It’s that time of year again: The air is getting colder, snow flurries are flying, noses are running… 

Yes, winter is a glorious season, but it’s also cold, flu and virus season.  Now’s the time to take precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe through the holiday season.

You can protect yourself from the colds, flus and other viruses that are circulating your office, school or daycare with these cold and flu prevention tips.  Read More ›

Air Conditioning and Furnace Blog

How to Keep Humidity in Your House in the Winter

Humidification of air in apartment during the winter

Have you noticed how the atmosphere in your house changes in the winter months? Maybe you find dry and itchy spots on your skin, or cracks in your wooden floors or furniture. You might even wake up with a sore throat or bloody nose in the morning.

All of these symptoms—both to your body and your stuff—are a result of dry indoor air. The cold air outside, with moisture locked in a frozen state, doesn’t help. Inside, your HVAC is toasting the air before it circulates, keeping it warm but overly dry.

Low humidity can even make air feel colder than it actually is, causing you to overcompensate with the thermostat and run up your heating bill.

Let’s look at some simple and some more involved methods for adding a little humidity back into your house this winter. Read More ›

How to Get Rid of Dust in Your Home’s Air

Sunbeams entering the window and highlighting the house dust. Dust and allergens in the home air.

Have you ever sat on your living room couch and watched dust motes dance in a beam of light? It’s a beautiful sight.

Until you think about all that dust settling on your knick-knacks, carpets and furniture… and even getting into your eyes, nose and lungs.

A small amount of dust in your home is inevitable, of course. As the saying goes, from dust we come and to dust we shall return (and in the meantime, we will have dust bunnies under our couches). But there are some easy steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home.

Here’s what you need to know about getting rid of dust in the air. Read More ›

A Quick Guide to Garage Dehumidification

Tool shelf against a table and wall, vintage garage style

A garage is one of your home’s truly multi-functional spaces. It can be a workshop, a laundry room, a home gym, a dance studio, a storage unit… or you could even do something bizarre like park a car in there.

However, as useful as garages can be, they’re not the most controlled environment in your home. Frequently garages aren’t connected to the main HVAC system, which means they’re subject to temperature fluctuations, stale air and excess humidity. 

If you smell that tell-tale, nostril-tickling odor of mold or mildew in your garage, it’s time to take decisive action.

Here’s a quick guide to garage dehumidification, including easy fixes and some more substantial long-term solutions. Read More ›

Three Ways to Add Air Conditioning to Older Homes

adding air conditioning for old houses


After servicing home heating and cooling systems for over a century, we’re well aware that air conditioning doesn’t come as a standard creature comfort for most old homes. 

In fact, of all homes built before 1940, only 50% have a central duct system. If your home has radiators for heat, or an old octopus furnace, overhauling your home for central air may seem impossible. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with ceiling fans and ice packs. 

There are affordable air conditioning options for older homes. To help you find a solution that’s right for your home—and your budget—here’s a breakdown of the three best ways to keep your vintage home cool and comfy.  Read More ›

How Not to Get Sick This Winter

A sick woman at working wondering how to not get sick again

It’s that time of year again: The air is getting colder, snow flurries are flying, noses are running… 

Yes, winter is a glorious season, but it’s also cold, flu and virus season.  Now’s the time to take precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe through the holiday season.

You can protect yourself from the colds, flus and other viruses that are circulating your office, school or daycare with these cold and flu prevention tips.  Read More ›

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