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Energy Savings with Air-to-Air Exchanger

Air-to-Air Exchanger

Here’s an idea: transform your furnace and air conditioner into a vehicle for saving energy and money.

That’s what an air exchange system can do for you. An air-to-air exchanger, like the one from RenewAire, with its stacked ventilation ducts, exchanges heat between inbound and outbound air. In the winter, heat from indoor air gets transferred to fresh air coming into the furnace, reducing the amount of energy needed to make a house warm and comfortable. In the summer, it’s the reverse: heat from incoming air is transferred to the outgoing, air-conditioned air, reducing the amount of energy needed to keep a house cool.

An air-to-air exchanger does more than just reduce the burden on your heating and cooling system. An air exchange system helps preserve a comfortable humidity level in your home and keeps pollutants and invisible fumes out of the house. It does this through partitions made from resin composite, which allow water vapor to move through the ventilation system, but keep bad particles out, allowing for a cleaner more comfortable home for you and your family.

Is an air-to-air exchanger right for your home? Welter Heating and Air Conditioning is located in Minneapolis, MN and serves the Twin Cities Metro area.  Call us today at 612-825-6867 or email us to set up a free consultation.

To receive more information about home heating, cooling and air purification, subscribe to Welter My Shelter Air Tips via email or RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.


Energy Savings with Air-to-Air Exchanger

Air-to-Air Exchanger

Here’s an idea: transform your furnace and air conditioner into a vehicle for saving energy and money.

That’s what an air exchange system can do for you. An air-to-air exchanger, like the one from RenewAire, with its stacked ventilation ducts, exchanges heat between inbound and outbound air. In the winter, heat from indoor air gets transferred to fresh air coming into the furnace, reducing the amount of energy needed to make a house warm and comfortable. In the summer, it’s the reverse: heat from incoming air is transferred to the outgoing, air-conditioned air, reducing the amount of energy needed to keep a house cool.

An air-to-air exchanger does more than just reduce the burden on your heating and cooling system. An air exchange system helps preserve a comfortable humidity level in your home and keeps pollutants and invisible fumes out of the house. It does this through partitions made from resin composite, which allow water vapor to move through the ventilation system, but keep bad particles out, allowing for a cleaner more comfortable home for you and your family.

Is an air-to-air exchanger right for your home? Welter Heating and Air Conditioning is located in Minneapolis, MN and serves the Twin Cities Metro area.  Call us today at 612-825-6867 or email us to set up a free consultation.

To receive more information about home heating, cooling and air purification, subscribe to Welter My Shelter Air Tips via email or RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.


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