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Think back to the first time you saw your home. Likely part of a series of homes you toured, the house of your dreams eventually caught your eye, satisfying your sense of style and your budget. Now that you’re a homeowner, you have a lot to think about — like keeping the home clean, taking care of the lawn, and managing the temperature indoors, so that your guests and family members stay comfy all year long. When it comes to choosing a heating and cooling company, you’ll want to put in as much care and attention as you did when house hunting. As you assess heating and cooling companies in your area, look for these five qualities to narrow down your options and make the best decision for your home. 1. 24/7 Emergency Service The weather is unpredictable — especially in Minnesota. Just when you think warm weather is here to stay, a mid-April snowstorm might just roll in. So, you want to make sure that both your furnace and your air conditioning unit work all year long, to avoid extreme and potentially dangerous temperatures on either end of the spectrum. To ensure your home gets the attention and service it needs any day of the week, all year long, choose a heating and cooling company that offers 24/7 emergency service. Here at Welter Heating, we’re ready to help at the drop of a hat. 2. Coverage in Your Local Area If an emergency does strike, you want a nearby heating and cooling company to come to the rescue. After all, even a few hours’ delay can feel like a lifetime if you’re stuck in a home with no heat or A/C! Plus, a local company understands the unique, area-specific needs your home may be facing, and will likely have tips and tricks to better prepare your home for the climate it’s in. At Welter, we pride ourselves on our Minnesota heritage. We’ve been here since 1912, steadily earning our reputation as one of the Twin Cities’ most trusted heating and cooling companies. 3. Established History of Quality Service Let’s face it. Companies that don’t offer quality service don’t last. HVAC services require precision, reliability, and efficiency, and long-standing companies with an established reputation are the way to go. Whether you need a furnace maintenance check or a total air conditioner repair, experienced technicians and trained specialists are the most cost-effective option for your home’s needs. Choose a heating and cooling company that’s served the community for a number of years to guarantee fast, reliable service and cost-effective solutions. 4. Certified, Factory-Authorized Dealer With Trusted Reviews What’s the first thing you do when you’re looking for a new product or service provider? If you’re like 95% of shoppers, you hop online and read customer reviews to inform your decision. Sites like Google, Facebook, and Angie’s List offer trusted customer reviews to help paint a picture about the heating and cooling companies in your area, and help you narrow down your options. Positive customer reviews often point to outstanding customer service and great prices. 5. Experienced With Older and Newer Homes The best heating and cooling companies have experience servicing both older and newer homes — because air conditioning doesn’t come as a standard in every house. In fact, only 50% of homes built before 1940 have a central duct system, which often leaves homeowners wondering who to call to navigate an older HVAC system. The answer? An experienced provider. Take the guesswork out of heating and cooling your home — no matter how old — by hiring an experienced, high-quality company. Ray N. Welter Heating Company Fits the Bill We believe that 24/7 emergency service, local coverage, quality, trustworthy customer reviews, and wide-reaching experience set the top heating and cooling companies apart from the rest. Ray N. Welter Heating fits the profile above. If you live in the Twin Cities, give us a call at 612-825-6867 to schedule your appointment. We’ll solve all of your heating and cooling needs.