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Minneapolis is colder than where?

minneapolis weathe

When it comes to the city of Minneapolis, it’s safe to say locals have a lot of pride. Home of musical legends like Prince, 22 of the state’s most beautiful lakes, and a one-of-a-kind food scene. People who live here have plenty of bragging rights. 

Minneapolis residents can also boast of another claim to fame: It’s the coldest major city in the United States. In fact, from December to February, Minneapolis winters average around 18.7 degrees. You might be surprised to see some of the places it beats out for the chilliest place on earth. 

Reykjavík, Iceland

With a name like Iceland, you would think this country would hold a world record for cold. Surprisingly enough, Iceland has a pretty mild winter compared to other regions at its same latitude. Reykjavík, the country’s capital and largest city, averages around 37.6 degrees in January—or as Minnesotans like to call it, shorts weather!

Anchorage, AK

We know it’s hard to believe, but winter in Minneapolis can actually be colder than in Alaska! While it’s the largest and most northern state in the U.S., Alaska can’t always claim to have the chilliest winters. When looking at its major city and capital, Anchorage does not get as cold as Minneapolis. In January, the city sees an average high of 23 degrees, about 5 degrees warmer.

Arctic Peninsula, Antarctica

Minneapolis has proven to be colder than cities and states, but what about an entire continent? Located in the southernmost point on the globe, Antarctica is covered in over 5 million square miles of snowy tundra. There’s no way Minneapolis can be colder, right? Wrong! In January, the Arctic Peninsula averages between 34 and 36 degrees. Now, to be fair, January is technically Antarctica’s summer, but winter in Minneapolis will still be colder.


As if all these examples aren’t impressive enough, Minneapolis is actually colder than some places in our solar system. As the fourth planet from the sun, Mars generally experiences colder weather than Minneapolis, with an average temperature of -80 degrees. However, there are places around Mars’s equator that reach around 70 degrees. While it can’t beat the planet as a whole, around noontime on the red planet, Minneapolis weather is about 50 degrees colder.

Back to Earth

The good thing is people from Minneapolis know how to stay warm and cozy in the winter months. It’s all about wearing layers and keeping your furnace maintenance up to date. However, there might be some aliens in town who need some guidance. If any Martians ask where they can get their furnace serviced, tell them they can schedule a $99 check-up with us. 

Minneapolis is colder than where?

minneapolis weathe

When it comes to the city of Minneapolis, it’s safe to say locals have a lot of pride. Home of musical legends like Prince, 22 of the state’s most beautiful lakes, and a one-of-a-kind food scene. People who live here have plenty of bragging rights. 

Minneapolis residents can also boast of another claim to fame: It’s the coldest major city in the United States. In fact, from December to February, Minneapolis winters average around 18.7 degrees. You might be surprised to see some of the places it beats out for the chilliest place on earth. 

Reykjavík, Iceland

With a name like Iceland, you would think this country would hold a world record for cold. Surprisingly enough, Iceland has a pretty mild winter compared to other regions at its same latitude. Reykjavík, the country’s capital and largest city, averages around 37.6 degrees in January—or as Minnesotans like to call it, shorts weather!

Anchorage, AK

We know it’s hard to believe, but winter in Minneapolis can actually be colder than in Alaska! While it’s the largest and most northern state in the U.S., Alaska can’t always claim to have the chilliest winters. When looking at its major city and capital, Anchorage does not get as cold as Minneapolis. In January, the city sees an average high of 23 degrees, about 5 degrees warmer.

Arctic Peninsula, Antarctica

Minneapolis has proven to be colder than cities and states, but what about an entire continent? Located in the southernmost point on the globe, Antarctica is covered in over 5 million square miles of snowy tundra. There’s no way Minneapolis can be colder, right? Wrong! In January, the Arctic Peninsula averages between 34 and 36 degrees. Now, to be fair, January is technically Antarctica’s summer, but winter in Minneapolis will still be colder.


As if all these examples aren’t impressive enough, Minneapolis is actually colder than some places in our solar system. As the fourth planet from the sun, Mars generally experiences colder weather than Minneapolis, with an average temperature of -80 degrees. However, there are places around Mars’s equator that reach around 70 degrees. While it can’t beat the planet as a whole, around noontime on the red planet, Minneapolis weather is about 50 degrees colder.

Back to Earth

The good thing is people from Minneapolis know how to stay warm and cozy in the winter months. It’s all about wearing layers and keeping your furnace maintenance up to date. However, there might be some aliens in town who need some guidance. If any Martians ask where they can get their furnace serviced, tell them they can schedule a $99 check-up with us. 

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